Jason is ALIVE! An overview of the new features in Adobe Illustrator CS3. Live Color, Color Guide, Vector Eraser tool, Crop Area tool, Flash CS3 integration, native Intel-Mac support, new user interface, new document profiles, deviceN support, etc.
- Video Podcast
All right!
Id like to know if there are any changes to the 3d Capability in Ai CS3
also im curious about the cropping tool
alot of times i have huge artboard (96"x96" +)
and i need to make a save for web jpeg proof.
If the crop tool will let me select and say what size to output the save for web that would be great. eg. 800px x 800 px
any ideas?
I forgot to ask.. any capability for Gradient Editable Text, or gradients on Strokes.,
or ability to adjust the stroke width. along a path
Adobe's launch yesterday was abysmal. Snickers echoed throughout the room at the LAdobe viewing as the video feed apparently broke down for about 30 minutes in New York. The presentation was unremarkable save for the gentleman showing the Production Premium suite. Adobe's Flash-happy web site is frustrating. Constantly trying to click through the various pages to find some downloadable info triggers constant replaying of the intro videos. Then, to top it off, the paltry datasheet on Illustrator CS3 is missing page 2. Thanks for letting me vent. Morty, keep up the good work.
Hey there Adam!
There are no changes to the 3D feature in Illustrator other than the fact that deviceN support means spot colors and 3D are all happy.
If I understand what you're asking, I do believe the Crop Area tool will do as you ask. You can specify any size for the crop area and when you choose Save for Web (which is now renamed Save for Web & Devices), only the cropped area is there...
Gradients can be added to text by adding a new fill in the Appearance palette -- something you've been able to do since AI9. Adjusting stroke width along a path isn't possible, other than applying a Brush to the path.
Hey smartguy...
Being at the event, the video mishap only meant we all had time to chat more with friends and drink more free alcohol, so it wasn't that bad from my perspective... :)
Seriously though, the Production Premium guy you're referring to is Bob Donlon, who is a totally AWESOME guy.
As for Adobe's site, what can I say -- that's what drives more people to blogs like mine :)
Please for the love of all that is holy say they have updated the graphing tool and component set. That hacked toolset we have had for 8 iterations is so dated that I look forward to using Excel 2007 to create my new analytic presentations.
Andrew, I DREAM of the day when I'll be able to show the world a brand new graphing feature in Illustrator. Alas, that dream ain't coming true in this release...
Amen, Brother Andrew. In a world where each day thousands, if not millions, of graphs are produced for publication, there is a market. And, who better than Adobe to give us a graphing tool based on Tuftian principles?
Overall, Illustrator CS3 looks so much better as "new version" than Photoshop CS3. And I'm mostly a photoshop guy (the public beta was good, but the ai features are truly new and also -- can you believe it -- useful)
Most important,at 14:40, Mordy confirms that Flash's bad pen tool has been replaced with Adobe's good pen tool. Yay! (As payment, we have to put up with Flash's ill-executed panel system)
- adjust colors for just about any object (inc. gradients)
- color groups
- Flash-like object "grouping" (plus it's turn-off-able if you don't want it. Nothing says pro-app like options)
- direct selection of points is easier
- crop area for exporting
- mask placed images
- layer colors are back
Even though Mordy falls into the slurpy habbit of marketing phrases as "elegant solution", "much needed upgrade" "Oh my, Ai and Flash got married", it's a pretty concise and reassuring video.
Can't find how to set my default font, so it is always Arial, unless I choose to change it. How to?
Also, even if I have a CS3 window open, if I open a new or saved doc, the window changes to partial screen (no longer maximized). Can't find a setting to change. Suggestions?
Thanks for the nice post!
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