Shhh -- don't tell anyone, but my home phone number is "hidden" inside Adobe Illustrator. Here's how to see it...
Find the status bar in Illustrator. It's located at the bottom of the document window on the left, and usually displays the current tool that you have selected.
If you click on it, you'll see that you can choose from a few options. But if you press and hold the Option key (Alt on PC) while you click on the status bar, you'll see additional options. The eyes are cute and follow your cursor around on your screen (they blink too), and my home number is there as well (ok, so it isn't really my home number -- it's Adobe's tech support number -- my wife would have freaked otherwise)...
Ahh, Mordy's "Home Number". Used to be Ted's.
Now that you're gone from Adobe, whose number will it be?
Well, if I keep paying off the engineers... ;)
Well, now that there are multiple product managers, nobody knows which one should get their name on the option menu, so Mordy stays there by default.
Since when did you pay me to change it? ;-)
So the truth comes out after all. My manager (Ted Alspach at that time), had given me a quarterly goal to have the name changed from his to "another name"... so, following the directive of my manager, I had Dave change the name to my own. I was simply stating that in order to KEEP it that way, I'd probably need to make reparations.
So what's your price Dave? :)
I really Easter Eggs! I can't wait to let to know for my pals. Hahaha! Do you knows others? :D
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