Of course, it would totally cool if I could also subscribe to that RSS feed directly from within Illustrator, wouldn't it? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm........
The best part of the new kuler update is that they've added tutorials on how to use it. So if you haven't already done so, head over to the new kuler now...
... and then check back here much later tonight with a beverage of your choice in hand and a pad and paper to take notes... :)
You can subscribe to an RSS feed in Adobe Bridge.
Why is Adobe depriving Windows users of this cool toy? How about a Vista gadget?? Or just a mini app?
Of course, it would (be) totally cool...
Sorry Mordy, just seem to be missing a word there.
Thanks for the info :D
I just don't see any point to the widget myself. I thought it was going to allow you to run the entire app right on your desktop, but no dice.
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